
Market Report Series: Oil 2017

IEA ‘Market Report Series: Oil 2017 ‘ 6 maart 2017, toegang tegen betaling Meer informatie IEA, persbericht, 6 maart 2017: Global oil supply to lag demand after 2020 unless new investments are approved soon FluxEnergie, 7 maart 2017: IEA: ‘Na 2020 dreigt tekort aan...Lees verder
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BP Energy Outlook – 2017 edition

BP ‘BP Energy Outlook – 2017 edition ‘ 25 januari 2017, 103 pagina’s Meer informatie BP, persbericht, 25 januari 2017: BP Energy Outlook: an energy transition is underway FluxEnergie, 27 januari 2017: BP-rapport: ‘CO2-uitstoot daalt niet, maar blijft stijgen’Lees verder
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The Global Risks Report 2017 – 12th Edition

World Economic Forum ‘The Global Risks Report 2017 – 12th Edition‘ 11 januari 2017, 72 pagina’s Meer informatie World Economic Forum, 11 januari 2017: Under-Employed, Under-Inclusive and Under Threat: the World in 2017 FluxEnergie, 12 januari 2017: Klimaat grootste bedreiging voor de wereldLees verder
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Trends in global CO2 emissions

Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving ‘Trends in global CO2 emissions ‘ 6 december 2016, 83 pagina’s Meer informatie PBL, 6 december 2016: Mondiale afname verbranding steenkool leidt tot stilstand in groei CO2-uitstoot FluxEnergie, 6 december 2016: Mondiale CO2-uitstoot groeit niet meer door minder steenkoolLees verder
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World Energy Outlook 2016

IEA ‘World Energy Outlook 2016’ 16 november 2016, betaald Fact Sheet Word Energy Outlook 2016 (kosteloos) Meer informatie FluxEnergie, 16 november 2016: IEA: ‘Afspraken Klimaatakkoord van Parijs gaan niet ver genoeg’ IEA, persbericht, 16 november 2016: World Energy Outlook 2016 sees broad transformations...Lees verder
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The Emissions Gap Report 2016

UNEP ‘The Emissions Gap Report 2016 ’ 3 november 2016, 62 pagina’s Meer informatie FluxEnergie, 3 november 2016: CO2-uitstoot – VN: ‘Wereld moet dringend extra maatregelen nemen’ UNEP, 3 november 2016: De wereld moet dringend extra maatregelen nemen om de emissies tegen 2030 met...Lees verder
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Low Carbon Economy Index 2016

PwC ‘Low Carbon Economy Index 2016’ 1 november 2016, 10 pagina’s Meer informatie FluxEnergie, 1 november 2016: PwC: ‘Wereldeconomie minder koolstofintensief door afname kolen’Lees verder
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Innovation Outlook – Offshore Wind

IRENA ‘Innovation Outlook – Offshore Wind’ 31 oktober 2016, 148 pagina’s Meer informatie FluxEnergie, 31 oktober 2016: Gigantische groei offshore wind voorspeld Irena, 31 oktober 2016: Falling Costs and Tech Innovations Will Drive Offshore Wind Power BoomLees verder
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Medium-Term Renewable Market Report

IEA ‘Medium-Term Renewable Market Report’ 25 oktober 2016, 282 pagina’s Meer informatie FluxEnergie, 25 oktober 2016: IEA: ‘Duurzame energie mondiaal forser gegroeid dan verwacht’ IEA, 25 oktober 2016: IEA raises its five-year renewable growth forecast as 2015 marks record year Summary (pdf, 9 pag.,...Lees verder
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Energy Efficiency Market Report 2016

IEA ‘Energy Efficiency Market Report 2016’ 10 oktober 2016, 141 pagina’s Meer informatie FluxEnergie, 10 oktober 2016: IEA: ‘Landen efficiënter met energie, ondanks lage prijzen’ IEA, 10 oktober 2016: Energy efficiency gains ground despite lower energy prices, new IEA report saysLees verder
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World Energy Scenarios 2016. The Grand Transition

World Energy Council ‘World Energy Scenarios 2016. The Grand Transition’ 10 oktober 2016, 138 pagina’s Meer informatie FluxEnergie, 12 oktober 2016: World Energy Council: ‘Mondiale energiebehoefte piekt vóór 2030’ World Energy Council, 10 oktober 2016: World Energy Scenarios 2016 report: Global energy demand...Lees verder
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BP Technology Outlook

BP ‘Technology Outlook. Technology choices for a secure, affordable and sustainable energy future’ November 2015, 43 pagina’s Samenvatting BP Technology Outlook predicts secure and sustainable energy future through application of existing and new technologies. Advances in technology will keep energy supplies plentiful and affordable...Lees verder
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State and Trends of Carbon Pricing

Wereldbank en Ecofys ‘State and Trends of Carbon Pricing’ September 2015, 90 pagina’s Samenvatting Reflecting the growing momentum for carbon pricing worldwide, the 2015 edition of the State and Trends of Carbon Pricing report targets a wider audience of public and private...Lees verder
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Powering Innovation for a Sustainable Future

Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership ‘Powering Innovation for a Sustainable Future, an Electric Industry’s Perspective’ Oktober 2015, 70 pagina’s Samenvatting An association of the world’s leading electricity firms today lit a picture of a future high-tech enabled world energy mix that would help...Lees verder
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The Age of Renewable Power

IRENA ‘The Age of Renewable Power’ Oktober 2015, 66 pagina’s Samenvatting A new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) aims to assist countries in their transition to renewable energy-based power systems. The Age of Renewable Power, released today on the...Lees verder
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First Draft of New Climate Change Agreement

UNFCCC ‘First Draft of New Climate Change Agreement’ 5 oktober 2015, 20 pagina’s Samenvatting The Co-Chairs of the Ad hoc working group on the Durban platform (ADP), the body tasked with negotiating the agreement, prepared the draft, which contains the basis for...Lees verder
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World Energy Perspective

World Energy Council ‘World Energy Perspective’ Managementsamenvatting (6 MB) September 2015, 50 pagina’s Samenvatting New approaches are required for the management and financing of energy infrastructures as companies and governments seek to meet the challenges of increased extreme weather risks.  New thinking is needed...Lees verder
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