VN en Groningse Energy Academy werken samen: internationale trainingen in energietransitie

VN en Groningse Energy Academy werken samen: internationale trainingen in energietransitie

9 december 2016 – De United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) en Energy Academy Europe (EAE) gaan nauw samenwerken op het gebied van energietransitie en duurzame ontwikkeling. Na het afronden van een eerste ‘energietraining’ in Groningen is daartoe besloten.

Uit een bericht van de Energy Academy Europe
‘(…) De overeenkomst volgt op de afronding deze week van de energietraining ‘Sustainable Energy Solutions’ die de partijen samenstelden voor beleidsmakers van ontwikkelingslanden en opkomende economieën. Deelnemers uit alle continenten, zo’n 26 landen, kwamen naar Groningen en kregen ruim een week colleges van top-specialisten van o.m. de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, de Hanzehogeschool en andere partners van EAE. De energietraining is de opmaat voor verdere gezamenlijke activiteiten in de toekomst. (…)’


UNIDO-directeur Dr Pradeep Monga (links) en Energy Academy Europe-directeuren André Faaij (midden) en Bert Wiersema tekenen de samenwerkingsovereenkomst.

Uit een bericht van de UNIDO
‘(…) UNIDO and EAE have been collaborating for the past months in planning and designing the Sustainable Energy Solutions 2016 training programme (…). Twenty-six policymakers from developing countries successfully completed the eight-day-long training programme which addressed key issues related to energy policy, technology and financing for the development of sustainable energy systems. (…)
Pradeep Monga, Director of UNIDO’s Department of Energy, said, “UNIDO believes in partnerships. Partners bring together strengths to create synergies, and we can achieve our common goals faster together.” (…)
Andre Faaji, Academic Director of EAE, said, “UNIDO designs and implements sustainable energy projects and programmes, and therefore is fully engaged and aware of the challenges on the ground, and working with governments to design optimal solutions. This strength, coupled with the EAE’s cutting-edge research and knowledge capacity, is a synergetic partnership that can catalyse action and change for a sustainable energy future and climate action.”
The memorandum of understanding (…) commits the two organizations to cooperate closely on the promotion of sustainable energy systems to accelerate the transition into low-carbon development paths; to strengthen capacities for development and implementation of energy policy and socio-economic dynamics; and to provide clean energy solutions through technology innovations. (…)’

Energy Academy Europe, persbericht, 8 december 2016:  Samenwerking UNIDO en Energy Academy Europe 
UNIDO, 7 december 2016: UNIDO and the Energy Academy Europe in the Netherlands agree on closer cooperation
Foto’s: Energy Academy Europe

Auteur: Redactie

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