1 December 2015: Project TERRE open stakeholder meeting, Madrid

16 november 2015

Project TERRE is one of a number of voluntary pilot initiatives set up by ENTSO-E, with the aim of gaining experience from cross-border exchanges of balancing energy between TSOs in compliance with the future Electricity Balancing Guideline. TERRE is currently the leading pilot project to exchange Replacement Reserves (RR).
The end of year 2015 will be a key milestone to complete the design phase, before publicly consulting stakeholders on the outcome of this phase, and further submitting the project design to regulatory approval and launching the implementation phase. Therefore, TSOs and NRAs involved invite stakeholders to this meeting in order to:

  • give them an update on the current status of the project work streams,
  • provide insight into options being currently considered,
  • ask stakeholders for their comments and answer their potential questions,
  • discuss the next steps, in particular the public consultation, the approval and the implementation phases. …..

Auteur: Redactie

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