350 Action Responds to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy’s Comments on Keep it in the Ground Movement

Following EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy’s comments on the “keep it in the ground” movement during a Facebook Live interview with Mashable yesterday, 350 Action Policy Director Jason Kowalski issued the following statement:
“We couldn’t agree more with McCarthy that for progress to happen, activists movements have to push our government to respond. Her comments are an inarguable sign that the work of our movement is making an impact, and that we’re winning. Days after leaked emails showed Hillary Clinton telling Keystone activists to “get a life”, it’s clear that whether or not she had a genuine change of heart on the pipeline, our continued pressure on her and other politicians pushed her to join our side on that fight. We haven’t yet stopped all new fossil fuel pipelines or justly transitioned to a 100 percent clean energy economy, but by pushing those in power to do better for our communities and our planet, we’re on the right track.” …. 

Auteur: Redactie

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