Eenderde van de elektriciteit in Europa is nu duurzaam

Schermafdruk 2015-06-20 15.12.41

20 juni 2015 – De Europese netwerkbeheerders (ENTSO-E) hebben becijferd dat inmiddels eenderde van de stroomvoorziening in Europa duurzaam wordt opgewekt. Vier jaar geleden was dat nog 24%.

‘Er is een revolutie gaande’, zegt Susanne Nies van ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) tegen Energy Post.
Energy Post vat het rapport van ENTSO-E samen: ‘33% of electricity produced in the EU now comes from renewables, of which 18.5% is hydropower and 14.4% “other renewables” (mostly wind and solar power). In 2011 hydropower supplied 15.3% and other renewables just 9.3%. The share of fossil fuels has gone down from 48.6% in 2011 to 40.5% in 2014. Nuclear power has remained stable despite the German nuclear phase-out. In terms of capacity the share of renewables is even higher, at 42%.’
De EU-doelstelling van 27% duurzame energie in 2030 vertaalt ENTSO-E naar 46% duurzaam opgewekte elektriciteit.
Ook uit het ENST-E-rapport blijkt dat de verschillen tussen de Europese landen groot zijn. Nederland scoort niet goed.
In de samenvatting van Energy Post: ‘Countries with over 60% in total renewable energy generation (hydro and other renewables put together) are Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal and Austria. Apart from Luxemburg and Cyprus, Hungary has the lowest share of renewables in the EU (6.6%), beating the Netherlands, which scored just 10.6% on the renewables sclae.
Countries that depend the most on fossil fuel generation are Poland (88.3%), Estonia (88%) and the Netherlands (83.6%). Germany still gets 55.8% of its electricity from fossil fuels, the UK 58.4%. Norway (2.4%), Sweden (2.3%), France (5%) and Switzerland (3%) are almost fossil-fuel free.’

Energy Post, 17 juni 2015: Europe’s energy revolution marches on: one-third of power supply now renewable
ENTSO-E rapport: Electricity in Europe 2014, Synthetic Overview of Electric System Consumption, Generation and Exchanges in the ENTSO-E Area (pdf, 15 pag.)


Auteur: Redactie

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