Energie Unie weer stapje dichterbij

Energie Unie weer stapje dichterbij

9 oktober 2015 – Op 3 november zal de Europese Commissie de plannen voor een Europese infrastructuur voor stroom presenteren: het Electric Highway Project 2050.

Tijdens een conferentie in Brussel (3 en 4 november) zal de EC, samen met het e-Highway2050 Consortium de plannen uit de doeken doen en met een groot aantal stakeholders bediscussiëren. Wie daaraan mee wil doen moet zich wel even melden.

Uit het persbericht van ENTSO-E
‘(…) Electricity highways are defined as one of the 12 energy infrastructure priority corridors and areas in the Regulation on “Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructures” (TEN-E regulation).

Europeans legitimately aspire to a sustainable, reliable and cost-efficient electricity supply. European leaders have set themselves ambitious climate and energy goals for 2050. These objectives were recently highlighted in the European Commission Communication on the Energy Union:

  • A well-functioning energy market;
  • Security of supply;
  • Energy efficiency, energy saving, and development of renewables;
  • Greater interconnection of energy networks.

To meet these objectives, the European Commission, following its proposal in the November 2010 Communication “Energy infrastructure priorities for 2020 and beyond – a blueprint for an integrated European energy network” to immediately launch work to establish a modular development plan, launched in 2012 the e-Highway2050 research project with the aim of producing a module for the expansion of the European electricity grid up to 2050.

This modular plan will help the integration of the European electricity markets. It is also designed to enable the pan-European grid to host large quantities of electricity from renewable energy sources and transport it over long distances.

To build their network planning module, members of the e-Highway2050 project consortium have sought to identify what the future of Europe’s electricity grid might look like in 2050 and to identify the corresponding needs for electricity highways, taking into consideration potential evolutions of renewable energy generation, technology, socio-economic conditions, environmental conditions, and network governance.

After 40 months of intense work, the project will be delivering its results on 3-4 November 2015. The e-Highway2050 Conference will present the main findings of the project and will offer a forum to discuss future implementation. (…)’


ENTSO-E, persbericht, 9 oktober 2015: Unveiling the Electricity Highways Project Results: “Europe’s Future Secure and Sustainable Electricity Infrastructure”
Website e-Highway2050
Programma Conferentie
Kaartje: e-Higway2050; foto: Nuon

Auteur: Redactie

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