EU: Nederland haalt Europese doelstelling duurzame energie niet

17 juni 2015 – Terwijl de meeste Europese landen op koers liggen voor de Europese doelstelling voor duurzame energie, zullen enkele landen, waaronder Nederland, deze doelstelling niet halen.

Wat de Europese Commissie betreft zou (onder andere) Nederland nog eens goed moeten kijken naar haar doelstellingen en beleidsmaatregelen.
De Europese doelstelling is 20% duurzame energie in 2020. Met de in 2014 bereikte 15,3% ligt Europa als geheel op koers. Een ‘indrukwekkende meerderheid’ van de EU-lidstaten doet het goed, schrijft de Europese Commissie. ‘However, as the trajectory becomes steeper over the coming years some Member States may need to intensify their efforts to keep on track, and where necessary by making use of the cooperation mechanisms with other Member States .’
Alle EU-landen hebben inmiddels ook eigen doelstellingen. De Europese Commissie heeft de voortgang daarin beoordeeld. ‘Only France and the Netherlands failed to meet their 2011/2012 interim target, though only slightly – by a margin of less than 1 percentage point. This can be explained by the presence of non-economic barriers, long procedures for permit granting (especially in the wind sector) coupled with technical barriers for wind and biomass in France. The uncertainty concerning investment incentives resulting from reforms of the support schemes was the main reason why the Netherlands’ renewable energy development was lagging behind. ‘

‘Some Member States, including France, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and to a lesser extent Belgium and Spain need to assess whether their policies and tools are sufficient and effective in meeting their renewable energy objectives.’

Wat andere cijfers:

  • 46% van de energieconsumptie in de EU gaat naar koelen en verwarmen. Het duurzame aandeel daarvan stond in 2014 op 16,6%. ‘In the heating and cooling sector, 22 Member States were on track and only 6 (Denmark, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia) did not meet their planned 2013 renewable energy deployment level in the heating and cooling sector.’
  • De transportsector (doelstellig 10% duurzaam in 2020) schiet nog onvoldoende op (5,7% duurzaam in 2014).
  • De elektriciteitsvoorziening maakte goede voortgang: 26% van de stroom in de EU wordt duurzaam geproduceerd. ‘15 Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom) were above their indicative trajectory shares for renewable electricity use in 2013.’
  • Er werken nu 1,15 miljoen mensen in de duurzame energie.

De Europese Commissie rondt af met een positieve conclusie. ‘Renewable energy is becoming a widely accepted, mainstream source of energy. (…) With less than six years to go to the end of 2020, majority of the Member States are well on track to meeting the renewable energy targets (…) The Commission will continue to engage with the Member States and all stakeholders to ensure the deployment and integration of increasing shares of renewable energy in line with the EU 2020 renewable energy targets, and the view towards future 2030 energy and climate framework target achievement.’

Schermafdruk 2015-06-21 17.07.51

(RES = Renewable Energy Share)

Rapport, 16 juni 2015: Renewable Energy Progress Report (Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions) (pdf, 16 pag., 380 kb)
Persbericht Europese Commisie, 16 juni 2015: EU on track to meeting 20% renewable energy target


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