Europa heeft een code voor stroomnetwerken

28 juli 2015 – Er is eindelijk een EU guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM). Naar verwachting levert het voor de EU-consumenten een besparing op van € 4 mrd.

Uit het persbericht vanENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity)
‘(…) Great news for the Internal Energy Market and for the European customers”, commented Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E Secretary-General. “The next challenge is to implement it consistently in all Member States”, he added.
Peder Andreasen, ENTSO-E President, stresses that the European transmission system operators have played a crucial role alongside the EU institutions, ACER and NRAs, power exchanges and other stakeholders, in pulling this law through. “All involved in the CACM guideline have contributed to gluing together the world’s largest and most competitive electricity market, serving more than half a billion customers.” The CACM guideline sets out the legal conditions for electricity market coupling in Europe, leading to cost savings. “The CACM guideline will save European customers up to 4 billion euro a year by pulling all electricity bids and offers together throughout Europe”, points out Bente Hagem, Chair of ENTSO-E.
By fostering the trade of electricity in shorter time frames, the CACM guideline also allows for the integration of more renewables into the grid, contributing to the continued decarbonisation of Europe’s economy.
The CACM guideline is the first of the 10 network codes to have completed the full process. The Requirements for Generators code should also follow soon. Network codes are a new way of making energy regulation in Europe initiated by the 3rd Energy Package. “We need to implement the 3rd Energy Package to its full extent. We owe it to the EU customers to follow through on our decisions in a timely fashion”, concludes Bente Hagem. (…)’

ENTSO-E, 27 juli 2015: First Network Code adopted! Internal Energy Market gets closer, 4 billion savings in for Europe’s customers
EU guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (Official Journal)
Nederlandse tekst (pdf, 72 pag.)
ENTSO-E webpage on the CACM guideline

Auteur: Redactie

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