Gratis cursus over Energietransitie start op 12 oktober

Op maandag 12 oktober 2015 starten de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en de Energy Academy Europe met de Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) over energietransitie. In de gratis interactieve online cursus “Solving the Energy Puzzle” delen zes docenten van vijf verschillende faculteiten binnen de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen hun kennis over de energietransitie. Technische, juridische, economische, ruimtelijke en psychologische aspecten van de energietransitie komen daarmee aan bod. De MOOC is toegankelijk voor zowel studenten als professionals. Meedoen is gratis.
The course starts with prof. dr. André Faaij, academic director of Energy Academy Europe, who will lecture on the urgency of the energy transition and the integral approach of the worldwide energy system. In the following three weeks prof. dr. ir. Gerard Dijkema, prof. mr. dr. Martha Roggenkamp and prof. dr. Machiel Mulder will teach the students about the technical, law and economic aspects of the energy transition. These aspects include the complexity of energy systems, basic principles of energy law and economic effects of energy-transition policies. Subsequently dr. Christian Zuidema and prof. dr. Linda Steg will deal with the spatial and psychological aspects of sustainable energy systems. In the final week students will apply their acquired knowledge and skills to analyse a real-world energy transition challenge in their own country.

Zie ook: FluxEnergie, 1 oktober 2015: Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) over energietransitie

Auteur: Redactie

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