IAEA Director General Amano’s Introductory Statement to the Board of Governors

Mr Chairman,
I requested that this meeting of the Board of Governors be convened to consider my report entitled Final Assessment on Past and Present Outstanding Issues regarding Iran’s Nuclear Programme.
As you will recall, I detailed 12 areas of concern about possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme in the Annex to my report to the Board of November 2011.
I stated that information available to the Agency indicated that Iran had carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device. The Agency assessed the information as, overall, credible.
In response to my report, the Board adopted a resolution urging Iran and the Agency to intensify their dialogue in order to clarify the outstanding issues. Following extended negotiations with Iran, we eventually agreed on a Road-map to clarify those issues.
This report is the result of the Agency’s best efforts, undertaken in accordance with our established verification practices, to clarify the issues with possible military dimensions. ….


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