Implementing the European Connection Network Codes – challenges and solutions

23 September 2015, Brussels: Public workshop on the Connection Network Codes implementation
The European Connection Network Codes – Requirements for Generators (RfG), Demand Connection Codes (DCC) and High Voltage Direct Current Connections (HVDC) have either been already adopted by the European Commission, like the NC RfG, or will be adopted by end 2015. The expected entry into force of the three European Connection Network Codes is thus scheduled for late 2015, early 2016. The Member States have the obligation to implement these codes no later than three years after their entry into force. Within this timeframe the Member states have only 2 years to define the national specifications, the so-called non-exhaustive requirements. In order to support the implementation at national level ENTSO-E is organizing on 23 September 2015 in Brussels a public workshop on the Connection Network Codes implementation. ….

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