IRENA en Terrawatt Initiative willen 1000 gigawatt aan zonne-energie

21 januari 2016 – Aan de zijlijn van het World Future Energy Summit bundelde IRENA de krachten met het Terrawatt-initiatief. Samen willen ze zonne-energie flink stimuleren, om zo de doelen van het klimaatakkoord te halen. 

IRENA – International Renewable Energy Agency, een samenwerkingsverband tussen 144 staten en de Europese Unie – schaarde zich deze week achter het Terrawatt Initiative.

Duurzaam Bedrijfsleven over het Terrawatt-initiatief
‘(…) Het initiatief wil 1000 gigawatt aan zonnepanelen voor 2030 over de hele wereld plaatsen. Om dit te realiseren, gaat het Terrawatt-initiatief de komende jaren $ 1 biljard investeren. (…)’

Het Terrawatt Initiative en IRENA willen de juiste condities scheppen (met regulering en andere ondersteuning) waarin landen hun zonne-energie massaal kunnen uitbreiden.

Uit een bericht van IRENA
‘(…) IRENA and the Terrawatt Initiative pledge together to establish proper conditions for the substantial deployment of competitive solar power generation, building on important recent initiatives such as the International Solar Alliance of more than 120 countries, launched by French President François Hollande and India Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 30 November 2015 during the Climate Conference. Specifically, cooperation between IRENA and Terrawatt Initiative aims at exploring concrete ways to implement the objectives of the Paris Agreement as soon as possible, with a specific focus on solar power generation.
“We would like to work in close collaboration with Terrawatt to ensure that the climate agreement will achieve its promise to deliver clean energy, to take us toward sustainable development.” – Adnan Z. Amin, IRENA Director-General
“Now the technologies are affordable and full of hope for humanity. Nevertheless, it won’t happen if we don’t mobilize. We must identify the ways to implement the technologies on a large scale and generate thousands of gigawatts.” – Isabelle Kocher, Deputy General Manager of Engie and Chairperson of the Terrawatt Initiative

Areas of possible future cooperation include:

  • Reducing the cost of finance and cost of technology for immediate deployment of competitive solar generation assets;
  • Supporting industrial capacities, through support for development and implementation of appropriate regulatory frameworks and innovative financial and risk mitigation instruments;
  • Developing a systemic approach for the massive integration of renewables, solar in particular, in the energy systems at local, national and regional levels; paving the way for future solar generation energy storage and technology solutions adapted to each country’s individual needs. (…)’

IRENA, 18 januari 2016: IRENA and Terrawatt partner for massive solar scale-up
Duurzaam Bedrijfsleven, 20 januari 2016: Consortium wil voor 2030 duurzame energie over de hele wereld
Terrawatt Initiative, 1 december 2015: Launch of the Terrawatt Initiative aimed at meeting the International Solar Alliance’s objective of 1TW of additional solar capacity by 2030
Website Terrawatt Initiative

Foto: PV Systems

Auteur: Redactie

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