‘Klimaatbeleid kan Europa weer dichter bij de burgers brengen’

23 maart 2017‘Adequate response to one of the most pressing challenges of our times, the threat of climate change, can help the EU boost citizens’ confidence in the European project.’ Het Climate Action Network Europe ziet het klimaatbeleid niet alleen als een stevige opgave, maar ook als een kans voor de versterking van de relatie met de EU-burgers.

Het Climate Action Netwerk wijst hierop in relatie tot de viering van 60 jaar EU aanstaande zondag in Rome. Bij die viering zal de EU bij zijn eigen toekomst stil staan in een ‘Verklaring van Rome’. Climate Action Network betreurt het dat in die verklaring niets komt te staan over het klimaatbeleid.

Wendel Trio (CAN Europe): ‘A momentous opportunity to reconnect the EU with the needs of its people’

Uit een bericht van CAN Europe
‘(…) Ahead of the leaders’ summit in Rome, Wendel Trio, Director of CAN Europe said: “The Rome ceremony is a momentous opportunity to reconnect the EU with the needs of its people who demand decisive action against climate change. Citizens expect EU leaders to put a stronger emphasis on tackling climate change. It has to be part of the EU’s effort to respect the planet’s boundaries – a core European value. Adequate response to one of the most pressing challenges of our times, the threat of climate change, can help the EU boost citizens’ confidence in the European project.”

“The full transition away from fossil fuels offers a fair and steadfast way towards a more sustainable and prosperous future for everyone in Europe. Effective climate action is key to improving and safeguarding the lives of millions of people: it creates jobs, lifts people out of energy poverty, boosts local economies and prevents the possible destructive impacts of rising temperatures.”

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is committed to European integration, because the transition to a 100% renewable and fully energy efficient economy requires a common vision and concerted effort. Recent successes of the EU’s climate strategy, namely the adoption of the Paris Agreement and the decoupling of economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions prove that united and strong Europe can be a global leader on climate change.

In advance of the 60th anniversary of the EU, 237 European civil society organisations and trade unions, including CAN Europe, appeal to EU leaders to show courage and vision in leading the transition to a just, sustainable, democratic and inclusive Europe. They call for the full implementation of the Paris Agreement by enhancing energy efficiency and accelerating the just and sustainable transition to clean and affordable renewable energy in order to keep global warming well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. (…)’

CAN Europe, 22 maart 2017: Climate action can bring the EU closer to its citizens
Illustratie: CAN Europa
Portretfoto: EESC

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