Mijlpaal VS: 1 miljoen zonnepaneelsystemen

Mijlpaal VS: 1 miljoen zonnepaneelsystemen

6 mei 2016 – De Amerikaanse brancheorganisatie voor zonne-energie, SEIA, meldt dat in de Verenigde Staten nu 1 miljoen zonnepaneelsystemen staan opgesteld. Naar verwachting zal dit aantal binnen twee jaar verdubbeld zijn.

Er staan nu ongeveer 942.000 systemen op particuliere woningen en 57.000 op grote daken van bedrijven. En er zijn nu zo’n 1.500 zonneparken aangelegd.
De SEIA ziet voorlopig nog geen einde aan de groei. Over een jaar of tien worden er waarschijnlijk jaarlijks 1 miljoen systemen geïnstalleerd.

Uit het persbericht van de SEIA (Solar Energy Industries Association)
‘(…) “The idea that we are celebrating a million solar installations in this country is awe-inspiring to me, given we had just a couple thousand when I started here a dozen years ago,” said Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). “This mind-boggling accomplishment is made all the more stunning with the projections indicating we will hit 2 million installations before the end of 2018. Our meteoric growth is driven by the fact that solar is one of the lowest cost options for electricity and it has been embraced by people who care about the environment and want to choose where their energy is coming from.” (…)
Key points from the (…) report are that:

  • installation costs for solar have dropped more than 70  percent in the last decade;
  • solar jobs have grown more than 123 percent in the last five years, making solar one of the bright spots in the economy; and
  • the million installations have cut enough carbon to equal all of Oregon’s emissions.

The 1 million installations generate enough electricity to power more than 5.9 million homes, and continued growth in solar means that by 2020, America will generate enough electricity to power 20 million homes. All told there are 209,000 Americans working in solar jobs, and that number is expected to double to 420,000 by 2021. (…)’


SEIA, 3 mei 2016: Promising Continued Record Growth and New Jobs
Foto: SEIA


Auteur: Redactie

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