State and Trends of Carbon Pricing

Schermafdruk 2015-10-22 11.16.38
Wereldbank en Ecofys
‘State and Trends of Carbon Pricing’
September 2015, 90 pagina’s

Reflecting the growing momentum for carbon pricing worldwide, the 2015 edition of the State and Trends of Carbon Pricing report targets a wider audience of public and private stakeholders who are engaged in carbon pricing design and implementation. This report also provides critical input for the negotiations leading up to the Conference of the Parties (COP) in Paris.
As in the previous editions, the report provides an up-to-date overview of existing and emerging carbon pricing instruments around the world, including national and subnational initiatives. Furthermore, it gives an overview of current corporate carbon pricing instruments.
To better reflect the plethora of topics being considered in the climate dialogue, the report also analyzes competitiveness and carbon leakage, and their impact on the development of carbon pricing instruments. The task team responsible for this report intends to select new relevant topics to be explored in future editions. These topics could include, for example, the effectiveness of existing and emerging carbon pricing instruments, and how to measure it.
Finally, this year’s report gives the audience a forward-looking assessment of the advantages of international cooperation in reaching stringent global mitigation targets. A review of existing modeling work provides a qualitative and quantitative assessment of cost saving potentials and the magnitude of financial flows inherent to international cooperation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions to a level consistent with the 2°C climate stabilization goal.

Meer informatie
Persbericht Wereldbank, 19 oktober 2015: Leaders Unite in Calling for a Price on Carbon Ahead of Paris Climate Talks
Edi, 21 oktober 2015: Merkel and Hollande among world leaders calling for global carbon price
Website Carbon Pricing Panel
Carbon Pricing Panel: What is carbon pricing?
FluxEnergie, 22 oktober 2015: Wereldleiders en bedrijven: ‘Zet nu echt een prijs op CO2-uitstoot’

Auteur: Redactie

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