Europese burgemeesters: nieuw Klimaat- en Energieconvenant

Duizenden burgemeesters sluiten nieuw klimaat- en energieconvenant

16 oktober 2015 – In de aanloop naar de klimaattop van Parijs komen 6.500 Europese burgemeesters met een New Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy. Ze noemen het zelf  “the world’s biggest urban climate and energy initiative”.

Uit het persbericht van Covenant of Mayors
‘(…) Since 2009 onwards, some 6,500 local authorities have already committed to the 2020 CO2 reduction objective. As part of the “New Integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy”, signatory cities will pledge action to support implementation of the new 2030 EU targets, a joint approach to tackling mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and the extension of the initiative to a more global scope.

Three new pillars: 2030 horizon, integration of mitigation & adaptation and the international dimension
Last summer, the European Commission launched a consultation process with the support of the European Committee of the Regions to collect cities’ views on the possible orientations of a new Covenant of Mayors. The response was unanimous: 97% called for a new target beyond 2020. The majority also endorsed the 2030 objectives for a minimum 40% CO2 reduction, 27% increase in energy efficiency and renewables, and supported the integration of mitigation and adaptation to climate change under a common umbrella.
“The response to climate urgency can also become an opportunity for local development, job creation and the emergence of a new societal model”said Mayor of Nantes Johanna Rolland, whose city plans to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030.

Mayor of Ghent Daniël Termont shared the ambitious political objective to become “a climate-proof city by 2030, prepared for precipitation extremes, droughts, heat-stress and sea level rise”. The COP21 host city was represented by Deputy Mayor of Paris Patrick Klugman, who also shared inspiring experience with his peers, as the city just adopted its climate adaptation roadmap and plans to create 100 ha of green roofs by the end of the Mayor’s political mandate. On the energy front, Paris is on course to power all municipal buildings with green electricity by 2016.

An EU Success Story: The “world’s biggest urban climate and energy initiative”
The Covenant of Mayors has introduced an institutional novelty in the European policy landscape by encouraging local leaders to voluntary support the implementation of EU-adopted targets. Commissioner Arias Cañete welcomed this “bottom-up approach which has worked so well in Europe”. He emphasized the Covenant of Mayors was already the “world’s biggest urban climate and energy initiative” and a European success story to be exported on the road to Paris.
Echoing the Commissioner’s remarks, Mayor of Heidelberg Eckart Würzner later pointed out that with over 200 million citizens represented through local council commitments, the Covenant of Mayors voice could not be ignored ahead and beyond the COP21.
“Opening up the model worldwide offers an opportunity to allow cities and regions across the globe to collaborate, share ambition and set the future agenda on climate change”, added Committee of the Regions President Markku Markkula.

COP21: Thousands of city commitments to be showcased on UNFCCC platform
In the context of this new global dimension, the Covenant of Mayors just became an official data provider of “NAZCA”, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) platform which showcases the commitments of non-state actors on the way to the COP21. “The Covenant of Mayors is by far the largest data set to be integrated into NAZCA”, said UNFCCC Chief of Staff Daniele Violetti, who encouraged the cities to continue their important work beyond Paris as a “solid way of supporting the international response to climate change.”


Uit de tekst van het Covenant of Mayors
Go beyond the objectives set by the EU for 2020, reducing the CO2 emissions in our respective territories by at least 20%, through the implementation of a Sustainable Energy Action Plan for those areas of activity relevant to our mandates. The commitment and the Action Plan will be ratified through our respective procedures;

Prepare a baseline emission inventory as a basis for the Sustainable Energy Action Plan; Submit the Sustainable Energy Action Plan within the year following each of us formally signing up to the Covenant of Mayors;

Adapt city structures, including allocation of sufficient human resources, in order to undertake the necessary actions;

Mobilise the civil society in our geographical areas to take part in developing the Action Plan, outlining the policies and measures needed to implement and achieve the objectives of the Plan. An Action Plan will be produced in each territory and shall be submitted to the Covenant of Mayors Office within the year following signing up;

Submit an implementation report at least every second year after submission of the Action Plan for evaluation, monitoring and verification purposes;

Share our experience and know-how with other territorial units;

Organise Energy Days or City Covenant Days, in co-operation with the European Commission and with other stakeholders, allowing citizens to benefit directly from the opportunities and advantages offered by a more intelligent use of energy, and to regularly inform the local media on developments concerning the action plan;

Attend and contribute to the annual EU Conference of Mayors for a Sustainable Energy Europe;

Spread the message of the Covenant in the appropriate fora and, in particular, encourage other Mayors to join the Covenant;

Accept termination of our membership of the Covenant, subject to prior notice in writing by the Secretariat, in case of either:

  1. i)  failing to submit the Sustainable Energy Action Plan within the year following formally signing up to the Covenant;
  2. ii)  non-compliance with the overall CO2 reduction objective as set in the Action Plan, due to failure to implement or insufficient implementation of the Action Plan;
  3. iii)  failing to submit a report in two successive periods. (…)’

Covenant of Mayors, 15 oktober 2015: 2015 Ceremony: EU Institutions strengthen alliance with cities through New Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Volledige tekst Covenant (pdf, 4 pag.)

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