Greenpeace: klimaat- en energieprofielen van de G7

8 juni 2015 – Greenpeace maakte een overzicht van de klimaat- en energieprofielen van de zeven grote industrielanden. Hoe duurzaam zijn de G7 al en hoe groen is hun beleid?

Greenpeace keek naar hoe de landen hun elektriciteit opwekken en wat ze doen om hun uitstoot van broeikasgassen terug te dringen. De conclusie is meteen de titel van het document: G7’s Energiewende: Right direction, wrong speed. Greenpeace stelt dat de G7 ‘needs to establish a bold vision of a just transition towards 100% renewable energy with access to energy for all people by phasing out fossil fuels and nuclear power by 2050’.

Uit het overzicht van Greenpeace
‘(…) The G7, as large GHG-emitters (both historical and current), have an obligation to add momentum to this development and help the world on its way towards a future of 100 percent renewables for all. These seven profiles provide a quick overview of the power sector in each G7 country.
While renewables are on the increase across the G7, this is happening at very different speeds. Germany, Italy and the UK are pushing forward, but the USA, Japan, Canada and France are lagging behind. Within the G7 group overall, non-hydro renewables achieved a share of 8 percent of the electricity generation in 2013. So far this is not enough to drive carbon emissions in the group down at the speed that is needed. In the 22 years between 1990 and 2012 the G7 only managed to decrease GHG emissions by a meager 1.3 percent. As a result, the seven states, while only accounting for 10 percent of the global population, were responsible for 26.3 percent of global carbon emissions (2013). It is clear that the inevitable transition from fossil fuels and nuclear power to renewable energies needs to pick up speed in order for the G7 to contribute their fair share in the fight against global warming.
While the renewable energies boom is still largely policy driven, there are utilities that are already starting to build solar power plants and wind farms for purely economic reasons now that the cost of these two energy sources has become highly competitive compared to fossil-based energy and nuclear power. This trend is expected to continue in an increasing number of countries and with increasing speed, as unlike hydropower, there are significant untapped solar and wind resources in almost all parts of the world.
If this trend does continue, more countries will have significant shares of non-hydro renewable energy in their power supply by 2020. (…)’

Energie Overheid geeft een samenvatting van de getallen uit het rapport van Greenpeace.

Greenpeace, juni 2015: G7’s Energiewende: Right direction, wrong speed
Energie Overheid, 8 juni 2015: Overzicht G7-landen: CO2-uitstoot, klimaatdoel en aandeel duurzaam

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