Minor Global Challenges, Science and Entrepreneurship

Radboud Universiteit
From physics to chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science and astronomy, the various disciplines in the Faculty of Science have much to say about challenges we are now facing in areas such as Planetary Boundaries and climate change, Energy and Materials and water management, biodiversity and ecosystems management. But also politics and economics are important. Our societal institutions may help, but also be the cause of inertia and limitations. In the end, we also need entrepreneurial people in small and large companies, in government departments and agencies, in fact everywhere, to develop innovative and sustainable solutions and approaches that contribute to addressing the challenges. This Minor brings together global challenges, science and entrepreneurship.
One of the courses is about energy and sustainability. The global energy system relies heavily on fossil fuels, which is causing environmental and social havoc and is economically not sustainable in the long run. This course brings you a good sense of numbers and quantities in the energy system and gives an extensive introduction to technical options for sustainable energy.


Start vijfde semester van bacheloropleiding
Omvang 18 ECT / ca 500 uur
Taal Engels en Nederlands

Auteur: Redactie

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