Minor Responsible Innovation

Technische Universiteit Delft, Universiteit Leiden, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Successful companies innovate and innovation can bring a lot of good to society, but it may harm as well. The challenge is to innovate in a responsible way: beneficial both to business and society.  Then many stakeholders and many aspects have to be addressed so  an interdisciplinary approach is needed.
In this minor we combine the unique knowledge and skills of the three universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam. Each university contributes its own specific focus and expertise on Responsible Innovation. The students and teachers come from the different universities, and bring with them specific knowledge and perspectives from their universities.
To bring the potential for interdisciplinarity to life, students will embark in mixed teams on a so called Student Project Group; diagnosing, analysing, designing, implementing and evaluating (Intervention Cycle) a real life innovative case. The Student Project Group, where you will work together with a ‘problem owner’ from a company, a non-governmental organisation or a a public organisation, will be the integrative focal point of this minor.


Start september
Omvang 30 ECT / 6 maanden
Taal Engels

Auteur: Redactie

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