Offshore-windenergie al 30% goedkoper dan kernenergie

Offshore-windenergie al 30% goedkoper dan kernenergie

29 juli 2016Mede op basis van de meest recente Nederlandse tender, concludeert Climate Action (VN-partner) dat offshore-windenergie nu al 30% goedkoper is dan kernenergie. De grootschalige productie van windparken, de lage olieprijs en de lage staalprijs hebben voor een prijsdoorbraak gezorgd.

Uit het bericht van Climate Action
‘(…) The price of wind is now €87/MWh which is lower than ever and sets offshore wind in the same range of conventional power generation price-wise. This unexpected turn could push the wind sector to provide 7 per cent of Europe’s electricity by 2030. The world’s most important offshore development – the Dogger Bank project – is planned for the northeast coast of the UK, where there are plans to build 400 wind turbines which will generate 1.2 GW –the equivalent of power to one million homes. Another important farm, amongst smaller projects, is expected to be functional by 2017 with 150 wind turbines near the Dutch coast. (…)’

Climate Action, 27 juli 2016: North Sea offshore wind prices 30% lower than nuclear
Foto’s: Eneco (bouw Luchterduinen)


Auteur: Redactie

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