De uitvoering van ‘Parijs’ begint – ‘We moeten opschieten’

De uitvoering van ‘Parijs’ begint – ‘We moeten opschieten’

6 mei 2016 – In Washington is nu de ‘Climate Action 2016 Summit’ aan de gang: na de ondertekening van het Akkoord van Parijs is het de start van de feitelijke uitvoering. De bijeenkomst staat helemaal in het teken van ‘haast’ en ‘actie’. ‘Urgent action is critical’, aldus Ban Ki-moon.

160506-ClimateActionLogoUit het persbericht van de Summit (5 en 6 mei)
‘(…) Nearly 700 leaders from business, cities, philanthropy, multilateral institutions and civil society are gathering this week in Washington, D.C. to kick off Climate Action 2016, a high-level multi-stakeholder climate summit seeking to accelerate global action on climate change. Coming just two weeks after a record 175 governments made history by signing the Paris Agreement, leaders from across society are meeting to develop cross-cutting and innovative strategies that build on the growing momentum behind global climate action.

Ban Ki-moon: ‘Urgent action is critical’

“Urgent action is critical for meeting the climate challenge and building a clean energy, climate-resilient future,” said Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations. “That’s why I’m calling for all countries to join the Paris Agreement as soon as possible, and for all sectors of society to take action now to reduce harmful emissions. This event underscores the importance of partnerships to achieve these goals and to forge a safer, healthier and more prosperous future for all people.” (…)’

Peter Bakker (WBCSD): ‘Business stands ready to support governments’

Rol bedrijfsleven
Het bedrijfsleven speelt op de conferentie een belangrijke rol, mede door de inzet van de Nederlander Peter Bakker (CEO van de World Business Council on Sustainable Development). Bakker is een van de mede-gastheren in Washington. Al meer dan 150 grote internationale bedrijven hebben zich gecommitteerd aan het Akkoord van Parijs en beloofd emissiereductiedoelen te realiseren.
Peter Bakker: ‘Business stands ready to support governments around the world as they begin to translate their NDC climate commitments into tangible actions. We are taking the lead in technological innovation and development. The opportunity has never been more obvious or more relevant.  National and local governments can and should turn to business – the world’s most powerful economic force – and use this capability to help make their emissions reduction targets a reality, and accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.’

Over de status van Climate Action 2016
‘(…) While Climate Action 2016 is not part of the formal intergovernmental negotiation process on climate change, which occurs under the Conference of Parties (COP) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), it does look to provide momentum and support for that process.  By bringing multi-sectoral stakeholders together to discuss and demonstrate actions being taken and planned, Climate Action 2016 provides examples to national governments that show that we can take on climate change in ways that not only support the planet, but support people and economies as well. (…)’

Website Climate Action 2016 Summit
Climate Action, persbericht, 5 mei 2016: Global Leaders Gather in D.C. to Begin Implementing Paris Agreement

Auteur: Redactie

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