World Energy Perspective

Schermafbeelding 2015-10-04 om 09.49.55 PM
World Energy Council
‘World Energy Perspective’
Managementsamenvatting (6 MB)
September 2015, 50 pagina’s

New approaches are required for the management and financing of energy infrastructures as companies and governments seek to meet the challenges of increased extreme weather risks.  New thinking is needed says the latest report from the World Energy Council, ‘The road to resilience – managing and financing extreme weather risks’.

The report highlights the need for a move from ‘Fail-Safe’ systems that only look at single assets to ‘Safe-Fail’ systems which take a systemic overview of the energy value chain and a more strategic approach to identifying vulnerabilities.

Meer informatie
World Energy Council, 30 september 2015: Resilient energy needs smarter not just stronger solutions: Safe-Fail not Fail-Safe
FluxEnergie, 5 oktober 2015: World Energy Council: Energie-infrastructuur moet veerkrachtiger

Auteur: Redactie

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