Olie- en kolenconcerns willen dat Trump zich aan klimaatakkoord houdt

28 april 2017Technologiebedrijven, olieconcerns en zelfs kolenbedrijven willen dat president Trump besluit binnen het klimaatakkoord van Parijs te blijven. Amerikaanse bedrijven zijn gebaat bij een stabiel en mondiaal klimaatbeleid, schrijven ze in een gezamenlijke brief. 

Trump besluit eind mei of de Verenigde Staten binnen het klimaatakkoord van Parijs blijft. Het antwoord zou ja moeten zijn, aldus de ondertekenaars van de brief. Onder hen oliebedrijven Shell en BP, maar ook steenkoolgiganten als Rio Tinto en BHP Billiton. Dat is opmerkelijk, want het bestuur van de  National Mining Association besloot dinsdag dat het Trump juist gaat aansporen het klimaatakkoord te verlaten, aldus Politico. Het bestuur besloot dat een dag na een gesprek met EPA-directeur Scott Pruitt. Binnen de National Mining Association zouden 26 bedrijven vóór het verlaten van het klimaatakkoord zijn en 6 bedrijven tegen, aldus Politico.

De brief van de bedrijven aan president Trump
‘(…) Dear Mr. President,

We write to express our support for continued participation by the United States in the Paris climate change agreement.

Climate change presents U.S. companies with both business risks and business opportunities. U.S. business interests are best served by a stable and practical framework facilitating an effective and balanced global response. We believe the Paris Agreement provides such a framework.

Companies based or operating in the United States benefit from U.S. participation in the agreement in many ways:

  • Strengthening competitiveness – By requiring action by all parties, developed and developing countries alike, the agreement ensures a more balanced global effort, reducing the risk of competitive imbalances for U.S. companies.
  • Supporting sound investment – By setting clearer long-term objectives, and by improving transparency, the agreement provides greater clarity on policy direction, enabling better long-term planning and investment.
  • Creating jobs, markets and growth – By committing all countries to action, the agreement expands markets for innovative clean technologies, generating jobs and economic growth. U.S. companies are well positioned to lead, and lack of U.S. participation could put their access to these growing markets at risk.
  • Minimizing costs – By encouraging market-based implementation, the agreement helps companies innovate to achieve environmental objectives at the lowest possible cost.
  • Reducing business risks – By strengthening global action over time, the agreement will reduce future climate damages, including physical harm to business facilities and operations, declining agricultural productivity and water supplies, and disruption of global supply chains.

As businesses concerned with the well-being of our customers, our investors, our communities, and our suppliers, we are strengthening our climate resilience, and we are investing in renewables, efficiency, nuclear, biofuels, carbon capture, sequestration, and other innovative technologies that can help achieve a clean energy transition. For this transition to succeed, however, governments must lead as well. We urge that the United States remain a party to the Paris Agreement, work constructively with other nations to implement the agreement, and work to strengthen international support for a broad range of innovative technologies.

We believe that as other countries invest in advanced technologies and move forward with the Paris Agreement, the United States can best exercise global leadership and advance U.S. interests by remaining a full partner in this vital global effort.

We appreciate the opportunity to share our views and would welcome the opportunity to provide further input as the Administration continues to shape its climate policies.


Apple, BHP Billiton, BP, DuPont, General Mills, Google, Intel Microsoft, National Grid, Novartis Corporation, PG&E, Rio Tinto, Schneider Electric, Shell, Unilever, Walmart (…)’

Mashable, 28 april 2017: Tech and oil giants want Trump to keep the Paris Climate Agreement
Brief van de bedrijven aan Donald Trump, 26 april 2017
Politico, 25 april 2017: 
Mining group to support pulling out of Paris after meeting with Pruitt

Zie ook
FluxEnergie, 28 april 2017: Verdeeldheid in het Witte Huis over klimaatakkoord Parijs groeit

Foto: BHP Billiton

Auteur: Redactie

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